Saturday, July 21, 2012

Hard Stripes - Demo 2012 CS

Demo from new RVA hardcore band, Hard Stripes.
aggro as fuck hardcore punk by way of Richmond, Virginia. 
The band definitely brings the ignorant mosh, boot boys will rejoice.
Members of Dry Spell and Hounds of Hate.

Hard Stripes - The Fixer by CarpetRash

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Birth Deformities - Suburbanized 10" MLP

Newest record from Chicago's own, Birth Deformities which consist members of Cülo and Nick (Cowabunga Records CEO).
The record continues right where the band left off in their demo, if you dig sketchy 80's hardcore punk like Chronic Sick and Fatal Rage, you'll adore this.

Birth Deformities - Mentally Damaged by CarpetRash