Friday, March 27, 2015

Preskool Dropouts - Demo Too

"Newest batch of songs from this Boston punk group. Hardcore punk ala early 80's DC/Boston style"


Slur - Demo 2015

"new UKHC raw punk band doing 80s Finnish and Polish hardcore punk ala Destruktions and Siekiera"


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Permaculture - They Advance EP

"2nd EP from Ryan (Social Cirkle, Confines) and Jen (Nuclear Family, Nervous Trend). 4 new tracks that build on the peace-punk/’Penis Envy’ vibe of the debut record whilst adding some post-punk touches and a more hardcore edge in places."


The Flex - Don't Bother With The Outside World EP / Flexual Healing Vol. 5: Do Ya Think I'm Flexi?



Friday, March 13, 2015

Chicken Chain - Birth of the Googus LP

Drew Owens from SICK THOUGHTS new project, this time in HARDCORE territory. Raw, loud, nasty and demented as fuck. As if SICK THOUGHTS couldn't get even more punk.
FFO: japanese HCpunk(gai, aburadako) and midwest 80's USHC


Public Assault - No Way Out EP

"young guns from Northwest Indiana playing early Dischord Records riffs the way they should be played; with absolutely no regard for anyone. In a (literal) state of Neo-Nazis, economic collapse, and no future, these four teens are writing music that reflects the fact that while some kids are growing up looking at Facebook and a college education, the land that America forgot is raising children destined to a steel mill that will be closing before they are even old enough to drink. No hope, no future, oi, oi, oi?"

p.s. Huge props to Sud Denim blog for the rip.


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Stupid Life - Self Titled EP

"Finally after months and months of waiting the Stupid Life 7" is being unleashed upon the world. Stupid Life has been playing around the Los Angeles area for over a year honing their skills and becoming a staple of the LA punk scene with their charismatic live shows and infectiously catchy songs. As demonstrated by their name they take cues from classic Kyushu noise punk a la Confuse and Gai but have an underlying Swankys groove that propels the songs into Japanese pop madness filled with guitar leads, outrageous solos, blasts of noise, and some of the downright most memorable songs in modern punk. Quite possibly the best noise punk band that isn't a noise punk band, Stupid Life are all incredibly talented musicians who do not hide behind a wall of noise and distortion to disguise their inability to play; instead contorting and manipulating the noise to suit their needs. Hands down one of the best releases I have ever worked on and I am incredibly proud to bring the world Stupid Life."


Simfuckers - Fucker EP

"Following two lauded and highly publicized demo tapes, Australia's SIMFUCKERS finally unleash their debut 7" upon the world and what an ungodly racket it is. Originally to be released on a German label, Video Disease rescued this record from the pit of obscurity it was bound to drop in to so it would reach a much more receptive and rabid audience.

Six songs of snotty, nasty punk that seethes angst and frustration. Blown out, ugly, and downright idiotic songs that could only come from some of the master minds that helped make Vaginors and Bloodclot Faggots so special. HAIL THE NEW DAWN OF AUSTRALIAN PUNK!!!"


Leather Daddy - Self Titled EP

Debut 7" from one of Boston's best punk bands, Leather Daddy. 5 songs of menacing mid-paced hardcore, 2 of which are re-recordings (one from Sob Story, one from the Demo), and 3 brand new ones.


Blockhead - Demo 2015


Monday, March 2, 2015

Gay Kiss - Preservation Measures LP

Despite the fact that they’re nestled all the way in the southwestern corner of the US (Phoenix to be exact), it’s likely that Gay Kiss has visited your town sometime in the past few years. They’re a touring machine, and the band’s remarkable work ethic is apparent on this, their second full-length release and first for Sorry State. When a band plays this much they get a tightness and cohesiveness that you just can’t fake, and indeed Hoax are probably Gay Kiss’s only rivals in riding a pit-clearing groove. More than just a particularly tasty salad of mosh riffs, though, Preservation Measures is dense, complex, and ambitious, melding the best parts of skewed punk like Rudimentary Peni, forward-thinking hardcore like Double Negative, and ambitious yet heavy 90s noise rock into a sound that is 100% their own.